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Seeking Alpha 2024-09-13 12:24:01

MicroStrategy buys 18.3K bitcoins for $1.11B

MicroStrategy ( NASDAQ: MSTR ) said it acquired around 18,300 bitcoins between Aug. 6 and Sept. 12 for about $1.11B in cash at an average price of ~$60,408 per bitcoin. The purchase was made using proceeds from the sale of shares under the sales agreement dated August 1, 2024. As previously disclosed, the company entered into an agreement to sell shares of its class A common stock having an aggregate offering price of up to $2B. As of September 12, the company, together with its subsidiaries, held an aggregate of approximately 244,800 bitcoins. More on MicroStrategy MicroStrategy: The Insider Selling Has Slowed, Confidence Is Up MicroStrategy: A Vote On The Uncertain Future Of BTC All About That Yield: MicroStrategy's Biggest Earnings Call Yet Biggest stock movers today: GME, DJT, crypto stocks and more Biggest stock movers today: BIG, PLTR, SMMT, and more

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