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Bitcoin (BTC) Price Might Drop Below $50K Level: Here’s Why

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Might Drop Below $50K Level: Here’s Why

The post Bitcoin (BTC) Price Might Drop Below $50K Level: Here’s Why appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News Cryptocurrency analyst Dylan took to the channel Crypto Banter and opened up about Bitcoin...

发表于: 2024-04-29

A Pharmaceutical Company is Working to Speed Up the Drug Development Process with AI

A Pharmaceutical Company is Working to Speed Up the Drug Development Process with AI

Algorae Pharmaceuticals is finding ways to revamp its process of drug development from cost saving and speed to timeline of drug research and delivery by adopting artificial intelligence (AI) to utili...

发表于: 2024-04-29

Spot Bitcoin ETF Issuers Eye Australian Market After US Success

Spot Bitcoin ETF Issuers Eye Australian Market After US Success

After an overwhelming response to the launch of the spot Bitcoin ETFs in the United States this January, issuers are now eyeing the Australian market. Van Eck Associates Corp. and BetaShares Holdings...

发表于: 2024-04-29

Bitcoin, Ether Nurse Losses as U.S. Stagflation Fears Grip Market

Bitcoin, Ether Nurse Losses as U.S. Stagflation Fears Grip Market

The crypto market is balancing the threat of stagflation against a liquidity injection from the Treasury General Account (TGA), and the launch of Hong Kong's bitcoin ETFs.

发表于: 2024-04-29

AI News: Elon Musk Announces $10 Billion AI Push for Tesla

AI News: Elon Musk Announces $10 Billion AI Push for Tesla

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced that the company will invest around $10 billion this year in artificial intelligence (AI) development, specifically in improving its vehicles to enhance their autonom...

发表于: 2024-04-29

Binance Labs Dominance Uncovered For Launchpool Projects: Report

Binance Labs Dominance Uncovered For Launchpool Projects: Report

Binance Labs, the venture capital arm of Binance cryptocurrency exchange has been earmarked as the VC with the largest Launchpool Projects amongst top investment firms. Binance Launchpool Contribution...

发表于: 2024-04-29



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BTC-USDT 206,248.25 3,463,428,216.87
BTC-USD 53,236.95 893,629,757.50
BTC-AUD 21,931.11 551,239,677.89
BTC-EUR 3,851.37 61,014,416.18
BTC-PLN 27.35 2,018,693.39
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