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Cryptoknowmics 2023-07-22 08:45:22

AI Companies Pledge Safe & Transparent AI

The Biden Administration emphasized these businesses’ obligation to guarantee product safety. The White House reported on July 21, that conspicuous man-made brainpower (artificial intelligence) organizations, like OpenAI, Google and Microsoft, have earnestly promised to make artificial intelligence innovation that is protected, secure and straightforward. Furthermore, the White House recognized different organizations like Amazon, Human-centred, Meta and Articulation for additionally focusing on artificial intelligence wellbeing. The Biden Administration emphasized these businesses’ obligation to guarantee product safety. The objective is to saddle artificial intelligence’s true capacity while advancing the best expectations in its turn of events. Kent Walker, Google’s Leader of Worldwide The post AI Companies Pledge Safe & Transparent AI appeared first on Cryptoknowmics-Crypto News and Media Platform .

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